Musings in March – first blog by me

This is my first blog post. I have literally no idea what to write about.

Today has consisted of constructing over 75 paper clips as part of a mass order. The going is slower than I anticipated. But it is still enjoyable.

I have so many creative ideas flying around my head right now. Like a crazy windy sky full of muse kites.

Mermaids, Princesses, shoes, handbags, cute animals, cakes, party theme, 50s theme… the list goes on.

Who knew that me being too tight to pay shipping from America would lead to the crazy month I’ve just had.

Keepsakes are great for me, but to work up to 11 hours on one and get hardly any profit from it does somewhat prevent it being completely fulfilling. Not in just a financial way either. It takes away time from my children. Precious memory making time, where the pleasure from making each individual item is detracted from by sitting at my machine watching through the window at my kids jumping on a trampoline giggling their little heads off and pouncing on Daddy. I long to be out there. But I always end up saying “Can you please just take them out of the way, I need to get on.” or “Mummy will be out to play in a bit Sweetheart, She just needs to finish this order.” Each time I say I need space to work brings a twang to my heart and a fear they think someone else’s order means more to me than being with them for an hour outside, and the guilt that I have maybe made the wrong choice to do this as a pocket money maker.

I cannot sew with them around me as these are irreplaceable items of clothing that cannot be ruined or substituted. If I ruin something as meaningful as the sleep suit a baby  was brought home in, the last shirt someone wore at Christmas, a comforter that could never be left – well, I would feel awful. I cannot undo that damage. These things matter. Someone has entrusted in you the honour of making an item that holds all the last tangible things of a magical moment. A bitter-sweet glimpse back to a  time filled with love, laughter, panic, relief, bliss, agony, miracles.

The paper clips though. These are fun. These are quick. If  I can’t make it in that moment because the kids need me to chase them while riding a hobby horse, then it can wait for ten minutes. It’s a pick up – put down job. There are so many fun designs to make. The kids even help me make them. They also choose designs they want in their planners . Yes, they have one each too – Abi writes in hers every day with a brief summary of what she has done that day). Xander has so far had Baymax and Abi has a mermaid. I have a long list of Star Wars and Superhero ones to make for Xander.

At the age of Nearly 4, he believes that whatever we want, we just click a button on the computer and “the postman brings it at us”. He, quite beautifully, has no concept of money. Don’t get me wrong, He loves the stuff!! He has a piggy bank and loves nothing more than going to the bank with his Dad to go and put his money in. Or to pay for sweets at a shop. But if you buy on-line, the concept is lost on him because no physical money changed hands.

He thinks because he has been good that we can just click and he can have it. For example, it is his 4th Birthday this week. Last weekend he had a party with a bouncy castle (I cannot believe how many kids were on that thing at once and no injuries occured!), a crazy amount of guests and even a visit from Spiderman himself. An amazing Hero themed Cake and he wanted a Deadpool Cake Funko Pop as a cake topper. He only likes Deadpool because he has seen him in the Lego Marvel Superhero game. I’d never let him watch the film!!!

He was obviously given more than a few amazing presents from his very generous guests (or their parents are crazy generous, I should say). He opens them all and says how much he loves them. Then says can we check his wishlist to see what can be checked off. When we do this the list just gets longer. He knows and loves nearly every superhero and villian. His favourite Characters are Doctor Doom and Spiderman at the moment. His favourite Star Wars character? Anakin Skywalker, because even though he went to the dark side “Darth Vader was still good in the end, Mummy”.

This past week, I found a gold Stan Lee Funko Pop on Ebay. Now this has been on Xander’s Wishlist since Christmas. To him “Stan Lee is the best, because he writes all the comics”.  On Amazon this little Guy was £149.99 plus delivery! Well I love Xander but that was not likely to be bought at that price. I won it for £36.00 with delivery on Ebay. A bargain if you will, but I took it out of his birthday present budget as it was intended for this week.

Because it arrived the same time as all my supply deliveries and me (I say me, the kids help me with parcels)  opening them in the dining room, he saw it, got very excited and gave it a cuddle. I said it had to go away for his birthday. Cue dramatic crying, and exclamations of how it’s not fair because he “don’t want Stan Lee for my birthday”. He simply justified not having it for his birthday by saying “go on the computer and get a different one from the Postman for my birthday. The red Stan one can be for my birthday.” I explained to him that these things cost money and he cannot just have another one, especially as Deadpool was a bonus one for a cake topper. And he fell off anyway when it came to singing “Happy Birthday”. Stan is now sat on the top of the unit in the lounge. He has made it out of the box “to see if his head bobbles” and been put back in. The tears stopped after a while, but I don’t think the idea of Amazon and the internet shops actually costing money has sunk in.

Ewan, however, is another matter. Desperate enough telling me he wants a gold Thomas, but not desperate enough to attempt potty training to get it as a reward. He would rather be a “big bebbee” than do a wee wee on the toilet. I fear the will is strong in this one!!!

On the plus side, I have my husband home for a week. He finished working in his job on Friday. He starts a new one in a week or so. So I really need to get some quality time in before he works up here while me and the kids relocate to Devon. I just hope he gets a Job nearer us soon. It breaks my heart at the thought of us being seperated as a family. It is just not the way it’s meant to be.

We’re still awaiting progress on the house purchase. We want to be excited and look forward to it but seeing as the seller pulled just as we were about to exchange contracts a few weeks ago, and a Plymouth job never happened it all feels a bit less dreamy this time. May well be a good thing.

Anyway, I shall now away to bed. I’ve worked for 14 hours today with a break only to eat my evening meal. I have a cold and a sore throat, but it will not stop me. I have to break the 350/ 450 paperclips threshold tomorrow, or I shall be cross with myself.

To sign off, this picture sums up exactly how amazing Xander loved his party and his special guest. He doesn’t talk to grown ups that much, even if he knows them. Spiderman walked in and he talked immediately!! It was truly magical to see.
